A highly controlled process
Unlike any alternative process, the Secoya crystallization technology is based on the precise control of spontaneous nucleation through the use of millifluidic tubular reactors upon cooling and different antisolvent addition possibilities. Using such capillaries, any parameter influencing the nucleation is ideally optimized and controlled.
Secoya’s crystallization technology is unique, enabling crystallization of molecules in a single process step avoiding difficult work-up when performed with conventional batch systems.
List of publications:
Nandi, S. et al., Continuous Microfluidic Antisolvent Crystallization as a Bottom-Up Solution for the Development of Long-Acting Injectable Formulations. Pharmaceutics 2024, 16, 376. pharmaceutics16030376
Rimez et al., Cryst. Growth Des., 2018, 11, 6431-6439,
Rimez et al., Cryst. Growth Des., 2018, 11, 6440-6447,
Rimez et al., React. Chem. Eng., 2019, 4, 516-522,
Rimez et al., J. Flow. Chem., 2019,
Key features
- Flexible: compatible with different crystallization methods as cooling, anti-solvent and co-flow process
- Crystal size: from nanometric scale up to 400µm in one single step, with no need of micronization
- Low polydispersity due to the highly controlled process in millifluidic tubular reactors
- Excellent flowability of small crystals due to non-charged particles
Potentially suitable for any molecule
- Crystallization of molecules without any intensive post-process treatments and particle engineering
- Crystallization of API for respiratory drugs, requiring low and well controlled crystal size in one step
- Production of API with low solubilities
- Nanometric sized organic and inorganic particles for all applications
Equipment from lab to industrial scale
- Scale-out is achieved by numbering-up of identical reactors, called modules. Depending on product solubility, a unit containing 10 parallelized modules has to potency to reach an annual capacity of 10-50T with an equipment volume as small as 1,5M³
- Adapted for decentralized production through easy and consistent duplication
- Compatible for integration into a continuous manufacturing process
- Investments and operational costs strongly reduced as compared to conventional batch process
- Equipment available from lab to industrial scale
SCT user experience
Back to our Crysta’DAYS (Nove. 2023) when our partners shared their experience with our robust crystallization technology.Discover why pharmaceutical companies like Janssen or Johnson Matthey already adopted Secoya technology in-house to enhance their crystallization process for APIs.
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